Tuesday, July 28, 2009

bit gusty

Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, was pictured with quite the do on the Isle of Wight as a gust of wind sent her otherwise tame bob skyward.

Zara and Mike's New Love Nest

Princess Anne's daughter, Zara Phillips and Mike Tindall are the proud new owners of an $1.6 million home in Gloucestershire, England. The home was purchased in April and since, the couple has spent a further $500,000 on renovations. Previously the couple had been living free of charge in a two bedroom cottage on Princess Anne's Gloucestershire estate, Gatcombe Park. The move will ease transportation issues for Mike as the home is closer to his rugby training ground. Mike was recently banned from driving for three years in January.

The purchase of this royal starter home will be seen as further evidence that Zara and Mike will be the next royal's to walk down the aisle. Zara's brother Peter wed long time girlfriend Autumn Kelly in May of last year. Mike was quoted as saying that he and Zara both want children, but that they had yet to set a date for a wedding.

Monday, July 27, 2009

...And baby makes three

Corrine had her baby shower this saturday. Corrine is an ASA sister. She and husband Russ were married this past October. They are expecting a son in the first week of this October!

Slipping Away

It seem's I'm slowly losing a friend. My little. It looked for a brief moment this spring like we were getting closer, but she's been odd all summer. My gut instinct is that she's mad that Adam and I are back together. To be frank, that is none of her business to begin with. I honestly feel, that she has given me more than enough reason over the years to have cut off our friendship long before now yet I haven't. It's time to just let go of a bad situation. I have enough good things to keep me occupied than to worry about her immaturity.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Not Good

So in a couple of weeks I have plans with by best friends to go down to the Jersey Shore for the weekend. Well this morning I found out a sister from my sorority that I can't stand and a group of younger sisters are planning on going down to the shore for a weekend. I don't know if it's the same weekend, but I sincerely hope it's not. I will not be a happy camper.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Puma fears

I just took my min pin outside to do her business, And for the past couple of days I have been nervous when letting her out. In this weeks town newspaper there was a report of a mountain lion seen crossing the road a couple of miles west of me. A couple of years ago there were a myriad of reports claiming an adult and a baby puma were roaming the area, one being spotted only two blocks from my house. And just a night or two ago my dog absolutely refused to go out the back door right after night fall. She just huddled on the step and cried until I just gave up and let her back in. Now I'm a little fearful of bumping into said puma in my backyard. I've come face to face with black bear, but I really am terrified of the thought that a big cat is roaming around out there.

Now, I must say that the state game comission is scoffing at the latest reports of puma sightings like they always do. It's a little suspicious that the state is determined to deny the existance of a moutain lion population considering they made a big to do about a decade ago when they introduced them back into the state. My guess is they don't want to cause a panic if they continue to make forays into populated areas.

Jenna Hager

I was just trolling the gossip sites today and noticed an article that People had on Jenna Hager, formerly Bush. It's nice to see a former "Wild Child" settling well into a mature adult mode. She's happily married and doing charitable work for UNICEF. Kudo's

Hello Blogosphere

Welcome to a little slice of my life. I'm a college educated resident of Appalachia...go figure. I love it here. Mainly because I love living in an area that allows me to experience all four seasons ( The sunshine belt be damned) I work and have worked in a retirement home, which is stressful and wonderful all at the same time. Basically I'm a walking talking rubik's cube still trying to figure myself out. Come along for the ride.