Friday, July 24, 2009

Puma fears

I just took my min pin outside to do her business, And for the past couple of days I have been nervous when letting her out. In this weeks town newspaper there was a report of a mountain lion seen crossing the road a couple of miles west of me. A couple of years ago there were a myriad of reports claiming an adult and a baby puma were roaming the area, one being spotted only two blocks from my house. And just a night or two ago my dog absolutely refused to go out the back door right after night fall. She just huddled on the step and cried until I just gave up and let her back in. Now I'm a little fearful of bumping into said puma in my backyard. I've come face to face with black bear, but I really am terrified of the thought that a big cat is roaming around out there.

Now, I must say that the state game comission is scoffing at the latest reports of puma sightings like they always do. It's a little suspicious that the state is determined to deny the existance of a moutain lion population considering they made a big to do about a decade ago when they introduced them back into the state. My guess is they don't want to cause a panic if they continue to make forays into populated areas.

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